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Fire Protection Services Sydney

Full Range Fire Safety is a leading provider of fire protection systems in Sydney

We offer a range of services, including routine servicing, to ensure that your fire equipment is always in good working order. Our team of experts follows all relevant Australian standards to ensure that your fire protection systems are up to code and functioning properly.

Full Range Fire Safety is dedicated to providing the highest level of fire protection services to all of our clients. Our mission is to ensure the safety of our clients, their property, and their employees through our comprehensive fire protection solutions. Our team of experts has the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to provide top-quality fire protection services and products to meet the unique needs of each of our clients.

One of the core services we offer is routine servicing of fire protection systems. This includes regular inspections, testing, and maintenance of all fire equipment, including fire extinguishers, hose reels, and fire alarms. Our technicians follow all relevant Australian standards to ensure that your fire protection systems are in good working order and ready to handle any fire emergency that may arise. Our goal is to keep your fire equipment in top condition and prevent any malfunctions or failures that could potentially lead to a fire.

We also provide pressure testing of fire protection systems, including fire extinguisher testing. This is an essential part of ensuring that your fire extinguishers are in good working order and capable of putting out fires. Our technicians will check the pressure level and overall condition of your fire extinguishers, and if necessary, refill or replace them. We also test your hose reels to ensure that they are in good working order and can provide adequate water pressure in the event of a fire.

Contact us for your Fire Safety Today!

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